Monday, 14 November 2016

Super, epic, straw glider planes (title chosen by class!!!)

Today after last night's earthquake we had 20 out of 27 kids away!

The 8 of us that were here (including Mr. Roberts) decided to test our piloting skills by creating gliders out of paper and straws. Instructions can be found here:

We were really happy with the results....check them out!!!

Motiki, Jabeen and Lawson in action!

Skye's awesome glider in mid-flight!

Peek-a-boo Braidyn!

"Flying is a serious business!!!"...says Motiki!

Jabeen's epic creation!

The clever Skye and her awesome plane!

Sorry Adrian I cut your head plane though!

Look at how many of us came to school today!

Ready to soar into the clouds!

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

I'd like to be...under the sea!

Room One have been learning all about our oceans, and how rubbish that humans create harms sea creatures when it ends up in their home.

We took the plastic rubbish from one morning tea, and created an upside-down polluted ocean for the fish, sharks, octopi, jellyfish, oysters and turtles we made out of egg cartons. The amount of rubbish we collected from one 15 minute break was staggering.

We discussed reducing waste, reusing items and recycling as great steps to take to reduce the harm we cause to our marine life and their habitat.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Finger-painting from nearly-Year 4's!!!

Room One got nostalgic about their days in kindy today and cranked out some finger-painting! 

We are creating an ocean backdrop for sea creatures we made last week, in an effort to show how rubbish created by humans negatively impacts sea life. We blended blue chalk, with white and then blue paint to create an ocean that Spongebob Squarepants himself would be proud of!!! (More to follow).

Ezekiel, Azdi and Skye getting messy with the white paint!

Taylah and Rechelle feeling a tad blue.

Azdi, Tuakeu and Rechelle finger-painting like the stars they are!

The wonderful Cassidy-always smiling!