Wednesday, 24 May 2017

The Kahurangi Dance Group

We just loved the Kahurangi Dance Group Performance yesterday! They were awesome! We were blown away by the stories they shared through song and dance.  We did a shared writing activity afterwards where we all shared our knowledge and Ms. V wrote down our ideas.  Here are some photos of the show.

Room 1 enjoying the brand new Rangikura Library

Today we had our first visit to the brand new Rangikura Library and we loved it! The library looks fantastic and we really enjoyed sitting on the comfy cushions and seats reading our books.  Whaea Pip showed us around and explained to us where all the books were and what books we could have a read from.  We can't wait to go back to the library next week!

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

An afternoon with our Buddy Class

Kia Ora and welcome back to a new term! We spent our afternoon working with our Senior buddy class in Room 12.  Our task was to create a menu for a 'tuck shop' we had to think of some healthy food choices and also how much items would cost.  Our big buddies really liked some of the ideas we came up with and they thought it would be awesome to have some of those items in a tuck shop.  Our buddies also read to us and we really enjoyed listening to the stories they shared.  We are so lucky here at Rangikura School to have Seniors who love spending time with us Juniors - we can learn a lot from them and they can learn a lot from us!