Wednesday 2 November 2016

Finger-painting from nearly-Year 4's!!!

Room One got nostalgic about their days in kindy today and cranked out some finger-painting! 

We are creating an ocean backdrop for sea creatures we made last week, in an effort to show how rubbish created by humans negatively impacts sea life. We blended blue chalk, with white and then blue paint to create an ocean that Spongebob Squarepants himself would be proud of!!! (More to follow).

Ezekiel, Azdi and Skye getting messy with the white paint!

Taylah and Rechelle feeling a tad blue.

Azdi, Tuakeu and Rechelle finger-painting like the stars they are!

The wonderful Cassidy-always smiling!

1 comment:

  1. Oh the memories flooding back of my kindy days....Amazing work guys !
